Sunday 23 December 2012

I'm back...

Apologies for the extended absence, peeps. 3 months since my last blog! I'm so sorry. I don't really have a valid defense, either- but I haven't really had much to report & you don't really want me wittering on about nothing now, do you?! Have just (as in, literally just!) got a spanking new HTC Windows 8X phone, so hopefully that will be the impetus to be a good Blogger... So that shall be my very early New Year's resolution to you all. And I'm pretty much guaranteed to get excited by shiny, pretty things in the sales & feel the need to share with you all 😃 So lastly, thanks for reading the debut musings of a crazy girl- hope you all have a fabulous Christmas, my dearies. Mwah. And in the immortal, soon to be over words of Gossip Girl, xoxo.

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